Positive Behavior Intervention Support
What is PBIS?
PBIS, or Positive Behavior Intervention Support, is a school wide intervention for all students. Athe the beginning of the school year, students are taught behavior expectations for each area of the school (ie: hallways, bathroom, assembly, etc.). As the school year progresses and data is gathered, students are re-taught behavior expectations in the same way they would be re-taught an academic skill or concept that requires mastery.
How does it work?
Students are involved in a beginning of the year “Kick Off” and actively learn proper procedures in various settings around the school. All students will learn the same expectations in each area of school. All staff members are committed to this process.
What happens to the data?
Schools collect data every year in order to improve services for students. PBIS data will be analyzed regularly by staff members on the PBIS Universal Team, as well as grade level teams in order to determine what behaviors need to be worked on as grade levels and as a school, where those behaviors occur, and what time of the day they occur. With that, we can improve supervision, facilitate re-teaching strategies, and address the specific needs of our school as they arise.
Who is affected?
Everyone in the school community is involved: parents, students, teachers, lunch personnel, custodians, teachers and administrators. All Forest Ridge Elementary School District 142 schools are participating in this initiative.
What will my student learn?
Your children will learn behavior expectations in every area of the school. Behavior will be modeled to students through the use of video lessons and school wide lesson plans. Your children will be expected to display mastery of behavioral expectations in the same way they master academic skills throughout the year.
How can I help?
Parent support is vital in the PBIS process. As usual, school personnel will be communicating with parents when a student struggles with mastering a specific behavior concept. Parents and school staff need to be “on the same page” when it comes to behavior expectations. In this way, the lessons learned at school will also benefit students in the home setting. Since all students will be learning the same skills, parents can support this effort by discussing behavior expectations at home, much the same way parents support academic efforts by discussing assignments, projects and books.